Perfectly Practical #175c - Old Baby Bed Part 2.5

The old baby bed to which I am referring in the title is the very one that my Dad, my brother, and myself slept upon as babies.
It's a really old baby bed.

Because old baby beds are not deemed safe by today's standards, it was going to get trashed if I didn't save it; I cannot bear to see old furniture go to waste.  It sat on our back porch in our furniture graveyard for awhile before being transformed into something useful.

We dismantled the bed and used parts of it in different ways.

For instance:

I wanted a trellis on the side of our shed that faced our back porch so we used the crib springs as a trellis.

We needed a front porch light at our old house.  We solved that problem by using the side railings of the crib as a light fixture.

The remaining three sides of the frame are on my new back porch patiently waiting to be in a finished project.

Our new house has no shed or really any place where I could hang the trellis.  As for our porches, both front and back are very well lit.

Our dilemma was whether or not to keep our projects.  We couldn't find a place outside to hang either of them.

Our guest room upstairs has funny roof lines and little alcoves.  One of those alcoves was a bit dark (see where I'm going with this?)
My plan all along was to make it a sort of retreat for our guests so they had the feeling of staying in a B&B.

So the already once repurposed baby bed parts got another chance at usefulness.

The light made from the baby bed railing was perfect for the space and gave the alcove a cafe feel.
The springs made a cool wall feature and now will be home for postcards and photos.

Repurposing repurposed items works for me.


  1. Love the ways you've found to reuse it!

    1. Thanks so much! I just couldn't let it get thrown out.

  2. This is adorable! I love re-purposing things!
    We just moved to East Texas and a friend told me about your blog. Glad I came over! Blessings to you!

    1. Well thanks Ms. Lana and I'm glad you came on over too. :)


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