Madly In Love

Madly In Love posts didn't just come about; they had a purpose from the beginning.

Initially, it was a way for me to remind myself all of the aspects and attributes of Engineer that I love and for Engineer to have a constant, permanent, and public profession of love from me to him.    
There were times when we had just had a knock-down drag-out argument a disagreement and I would sit down and write a post.  I needed to find something I loved about him since I wasn't feeling like I liked him that much in that moment.  It's amazing how a purposeful re-directed thought process can change your attitude completely.

Engineer looks forward to Monday evenings to see what I've written about him; it builds him up and sometimes catches him off guard in a good way.  I love watching Engineer read "Madly" and to see the glint in his eye or the faint half-cocked smirk that brushes across his lips.

Since the beginning, I have written about other couples whose relationships are an encouragement to me and quite a few are written about Diva, who with her Daddy, hold my heart in their hands.  I love that when it's not about him, Engineer is disappointed.  That's how I knew that this little project for me to be thankful and find the beauty in the small stuff grew to be a much bigger ministry, as a dear friend says.  I had no idea what an encouragement it would actually become; not just to me or to Engineer, but to others.

I'm glad that some of our sillinesses can be encouragements to others but honestly, I write them for him, my Engineer.  My love.

I want him to know that I am unashamed of our relationship, our love, and our mutual disdain for bad wine.

I want him to know that every opened door, every kiss good-bye, and every night he tucks in our little girl is precious to me and I am grateful for those moments.

I want him to know that I feel loved and cherished and treasured all the time and that is a gift...and to know that a little blue box with something shiny in it would be a great gift too.  ;)

1-4-3 EM!


  1. Once again, an inspiration to us all!

    1. That's very sweet of you Ms. Anonymous. Thank you.


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