Perfectly Practical #80 - Another Jewelry Storage Option

A while back I found a freecycle listing for a bunch of garage sale leftovers. The post listed antiques as part of the haul but the deal was you had to take everything, you couldn't pick and choose.

Enticed by the word "antiques", my friend Do It Yourself Mom and I went out and hauled off a load of stuff. Some of it was of no use to us and went straight to Goodwill. Some of it suited one or the other of us better so we took those items then divided up the remaining items and merrily went on our way.

One of the items that I picked out was a type set drawer. You know the ones I'm talking about, those wooden drawers with tiny dividers that people who collect miniatures or thimbles usually use to display their collections.   I thought of a collection of my own that might work well being displayed in that way.

This project combined the ethos of using what I have with finding interesting ways to display/store my vintage jewelry, but it also involved the use of power tools - and that wasn't happening.

So this type set drawer (which is not a small piece) was moved from room to room and closet to closet until it got moved up the "Honey Do" list.  It finally made it to the top!  Yea! 

I thought that this would be a perfect example of form and function to create an art piece by displaying vintage jewelry from our grandmothers.  It looks neat and I can see what I have and get to it relatively easily.  If those weren't good enough reasons, just look at all of those open spaces begging to be filled with new additions.  ;)

This would be equally cool as a table top.  If you found an end table or coffee table that had a worse for wear top, you could screw the drawer to the top, fill it with your treasures, then have a piece of glass cut to fit over the top. 

This is part of Works for me Wednesday & Raising Homemakers.
