Madly in Love

It is no secret that we are a household of "happy dancers."
That we show happiness through movement.
And have no regard for time or place when the mood strikes.

Case in point:

Engineer and I were doing a little shopping in CVS.
As we walked up to the cashier, she told Engineer that he didn't have to stop.
He looked confused and asked her, "Stop what?"
She said, "Stop dancing on my account."  Then she laughed.
He turned to me and asked, "I was dancing?"
Yes.  Yes dear you were.
Engineer was getting his groove on to the background music in CVS and didn't even realize it.

I wonder if I can get a copy of the surveillance tapes?...

1-4-3 EM for shaking your groove thang no matter where we are, what we're doing, or who else is around.
