Perfectly Practical #187 - Timely Thank You Notes

Thank you notes are non-negotiable in our house as I've written before.

They don't have to be elaborate or lengthy necessarily, just heart-felt.

During the Christmas season when little tokens of affection are left on our doorstep, invitations to parties are extended, or plates of goodies are delivered daily, thank you notes can stack up rather quickly and become a mammoth undertaking.

Our solution is to write the notes as the gifts are given or parties have been attended.

That way we can make sure that all of our notes have been written and also that our sweet friends are appreciated for thinking of us.

It makes for a much smoother conversation with our daughter when I interrupt her reading time to ask if she has written a thank you note to so-and-so than to interrupt her reading time and ask her if she has gone down the list to write 7 or 8 thank you notes.  There is far less grumbling when she only has to suspend her reading for five minutes rather than thirty-five.

This little practical tip works for me.
