Menu Plan - Pantry Challenge Week 39

This week we have Supper Club.  Yea!  LOVE me some Supper Club.  :)

The hostess this time has decided to take a down home approach with a Chicken n' Waffles theme.  I will be making grits...hmmm...Jalapeno Cheese Grits or Hot Tomato Grits?  I guess we will have to wait and see.

Some friends are coming for lunch tomorrow and I'm teaching a couponing class with Cricket Saturday.  Other than that, this week is fairly quiet.  Bliss.  :)

Here's what we will be eating this week:

Sunday - Dinner with my Parents
Monday - Papusas, Refried Beans, & Rice
Tuesday - Pot Roast w/Veggies & Ratatouille
Wednesday - Submarine Sandwiches, Green Salad, Cranberry Salad, and Chips
Thursday - Beans, Cornbread, Guacamole, & Pico de Gallo
Friday - Date Night

This is part of Menu Plan Monday.
