Menu Plan Monday

We are done with all of the extra programs, recitals, and even Engineer's school for a little while.
This week is quiet but heats up this weekend.  I am having my Ladies Wot Brunch over on Saturday and teaching a menu planning class with a friend on Sunday afternoon.
I will be taking a break from cleaning out the recipe cards for my LWB.  Instead, I just got a new, well, not new, old Betty Crocker Hostess Cookbook (I told you I had a problem) from an estate sale and I want to try out one of the brunch menus.  (Don't fret Ladies, there will still be cheesecake.)

Here's this week menu:

Monday - Jalapeno & Jack Cheese Pie, Bean Salad, & Salad
Tuesday - Neighborhood Dinner - Hurry Curry, Spiced Avocado, Fattoush, Pear & Almond Tart
Wednesday - Garlic Shrimp, Brussels Sprouts w/Almonds, & Salad
Thursday - Breakfast for Supper
Friday - Date Night

This is part of Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday.
