Perfectly Practical #43 - Support System

Engineer and I are blessed to have a strong support structure (would you expect anything less from an Engineer): our faith, our family, our friends, and let's not forget each other.

We are very fortunate to have each other, to be in a church we hold dear, and to be near our family.  They are all parts of a great support system but sometimes it is in our friends that that we find our greatest support - they don't have to love us, they choose to.

Do you know why I love my Ladies-Wot-Brunch so much?  They are a very large part of my support system.  When I have a need or know of someone else with a need, I feel very comfortable asking my ladies for help and in many cases, prayer.  In turn, they are at ease in asking me for help whenever they see fit.  My ladies are precious to me and I feel humbled to be able to come to their aid, pray for them, and most importantly foster and kindle relationships over coffee and cheesecake.  :)

Knowing that someone will catch you if you fall and help you get back up on your feet is practical in itself; you cannot harbor a negative woe-is-me attitude when you know you have a cheerleader or two routing for you.  Alternatively, when you are on the cheerleading side of the matter you stop focusing inward.

Life has a natural ebb & flow and sometimes in our lives we need more support than others (new Mom, grave illness, unemployment, etc.) and other times we are the lucky ones able to stand strong for those who need us.

When we moved to England, we had no real support and life was hard.  (The 365 days of cloudy skies and precipitation didn't help matters.)  So I understand the difficulty in a situation where you have no one.  If that is the case, a church, a Moms & Tots group, a ballroom dancing class, a book club, anywhere like minded people gather, would be a good place to start building up some support.

Do you have a support system?  I would encourage you to think about those in your life whom you have relied on many times.  Would you consider yourself part of their support system?  It is a reciprocal relationship after all.
