Madly in Love

If you catch Team Moppins at the gym, most likely you will see Diva with a book in her hands.
Oh who are we kidding, almost anytime that you see Diva, there will be a book in her hands.

She will manage to get through most of a fairly hefty fiction book while walking on the treadmill for an hour.  I've noticed folks look to see what she's reading as they walk past.

Last week, they lingered or took a double-take though when they saw she was reading Killing Kennedy by Bill O'Reilly.

I've not seen many 12 year olds at the gym so I'm thinking that a 12 year old girl reading an adult non-fiction while working out is quite the oddity.

I love that she reads anything that seems remotely interesting.  In fast, this book has sparked an interest in politics, 20th century American history, and Jackie-O in particular.

What was really interesting is that my brother read this book and told me all about it but while Diva was reading the book, her take was very different.  It sparked a lot of serious conversations about politics, power, marriage, the secret service, and smoking.

The best part?  She got AR (Accelerated Reading) points at school for it.  ;)

1-4-3 DM!


  1. When I see readers out in the world with their books, I have to fight the urge to HIGH-FIVE them!

    1. Diva would totally high-five you back. She gets excited about other readers too. :)

  2. I love reading... LOVE!!! I wish I could walk/run on the treadmill and read at the same time but all that bouncing makes it difficult.

    1. She clips along at four miles an hour and can manage to keep steady enough to read. I'm with you though, I can barely watch TV without feeling motion sick on a treadmill. ;)


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