Menu Plan Week 25 #spon
*I was given a three month subscription to eMeals from US Family Bloggers to review. All opinions and lack of cooking this week are my own. This post may contain affiliate links.
We have had a lovely relaxed week.
Even though Diva had swimming, piano, and voice lessons during the week, we still managed to keep the majority of our days free to do
This week will be the total opposite in that we will be running from pillar to post and having dinner with friends most nights which will be lovely.
Since I won't be cooking much this week, I thought I might go ahead and review the eMeals Clean Eating crockpot menus that I've been using the past couple of weeks.

I do like having the menu and grocery list all planned out for me but there is no flexibility if your family doesn't like one of the dishes.
Like I said, this one is the clean eating crockpot menu which means there are no processed foods.
So far, we are at about 80% success with these recipes. Sometimes, it's the side dishes that are the star of the meal and the crockpot main dish is the so-so supporting cast.
Crockpot meals still take some amount of prep time; you can't necessarily dump and run. Consider yourself warned.
The cooking time doesn't always reflect how long you will be actively cooking side dishes as well as the main course. It's imperative that you read all the way through the menu every day so that you don't end up not cooking your rice in time for dinner (ask me how I know...)
Overall, I like the easiness of having the thought done for me and the recipes are not at all hard to follow.
As a suggestion, maybe eMeals could have the option to choose seven out of ten options, sort of a mix and match your own menu plan.
And now here is our no-cook menu plan for the week:
Sunday - Out to Eat for Father's Day
Monday - Dinner w/Friends
Tuesday - Dinner w/Friends
Wednesday- Dinner w/Friends
Thursday - Dinner w/Friends
Friday - Date Night
Saturday - Leftovers
This is part of Menu Plan Monday.
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