Soft Scrub Review & Giveaway

I was sent a bottle of Soft Scrub Mold & Mildew to sample and review.  All opinions and nasty retro chairs are my own.

We are having a cocktail party in our backyard a couple of weeks from now so I have been gathering up chairs and various bits and bobs to create "zones" all over the yard.

It just so happened that my Momma was cleaning out her storage shed this past week.  I was accumulating and she was throwing out - a perfect combination.

I called to ask her if she had any surplus chairs in her discard pile and she said she had two.  The one pictured above which was a plain ol' nothing special run-of-the-mill breakfast table chair and this retro orange vinyl number that she didn't even know she had.

She did mention that it needed a good cleaning.  Ummm....yep.  It did.

Please excuse the speckles of spent sunflower seeds all over the patio.  The birds have no manners.

There was mold all over the vinyl and although it was pretty gross, I had just the stuff to tackle the job - New Soft Scrub Mold & Mildew.

Yes, I realize it is primarily a bathroom cleaner but I needed mold to try it out on and this was definitely moldy.  >Blech!<

After the mold and mildew cleaner (and a teeny amount of elbow grease) was applied, the chair looked like this.

I can do nothing about the hideous color of the chair but at least I got rid of the mildew. 

I was pretty impressed by the product since it took very little effort on my part to get off the grime.

It's a gel instead of a spray which makes it easier to stick to the mildewy parts instead of running down the sides and dripping off onto the floor.

You may have a moldy shower or some mildewy chairs lurking in your shed that might need a Soft Scrub make-over and I would love to give you the opportunity to try it out.

Enter the rafflecopter below for a chance at one of three coupons for a FREE bottle of Soft Scrub. The names will be drawn Saturday, May 11th, 2013 and the winners will have three days to respond before another name is drawn.  Good luck!  The winners have now been contacted.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. We have our old BBQ that needs a cleaning and then we need to find it a good home : )

  2. Don't have a shed but lots of things around the house that could use a good cleaning

  3. Just lot of storage bins and crud.

  4. There is a stack of white plastic chairs that we take out just for barbecues that need a really good cleaning!

  5. Lots of garage sale stuff!

  6. I don't have a shed yet...we're renters!

  7. no shed, but our garage runneth over with christmas decor

  8. I don't have a shed, but my shower could use a good cleaning with this.

  9. Beach toys and floaties, coolers, lawnmower... lol The question should be, "What don't I have in the shed??" lol

  10. My grandson's outdoor toys could use a good scrubbing!


  11. just a bunch of boxes filled with random junk eclairre(AT)ymail(DOT)com

  12. I don't have a shed, but my garage is starting to get piled up with my projects I have been accumulating while in grad school.

    minkynopants hotmail

  13. We rent, so we only have a mini-shed. We have baby clothes in there and lots of spiders!

  14. I don't have a shed but I have a lot of things that need cleaning!

  15. Lawn mower, snow blower, bikes, toys, chairs..

  16. I dont' have a shed but in my garage I have kids toys, a broken snow blower and yard tools

  17. We have toads under and somewhere in the shed...enough said!

  18. My shed is actually very organized!

  19. My out door furniture

  20. I don't have a shed either :(
    Thanks for the giveaway

    Fiona N

  21. i don't have a shed. but i keep my gardening "stuff" in a big old dog house.

  22. We found an old dutch oven which was in great shape, we just seasoned it and it is ready for use.

  23. Jennifer FritcherMay 10, 2013 at 2:34 PM

    We have an old grill that was left here from the previous owner :-/

  24. We don't have a shed but I know my mom probably has some gems in hers! Maybe I should scavenge it soon! momlovesdeals at gmail dot com

  25. Old clothes, toys, baby things :)

  26. we don't have a shed but we need one b/c there is too much stuff "lurking" on my back porch instead lol :)

  27. Our shed came down 2 months ago and we haven't gotten a new one yet so...nothing lurking there

  28. We have a small she with some deck chairs that need a good cleaning for summer wilcarvic

  29. A couple of lawn chairs that could use a good cleaning.

  30. I don't have a shed, but my screened back porch has spiders.

  31. I have a stack of lawn chairs that could really use a good scrubbing!

    lilypaddj3 at gmail dot com

  32. Patio furniture could use a GOOD cleaning,

  33. I would have to say spiders bugs pool stuff backyard chairs lawn equipment! oh god the list is long.

  34. We have tons of boxes, paint, lawnmowers, an old piano, you know the typical garage/shed items :)

  35. We don't have a shed, but our golf cart could use shining up a bit!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  36. I have an apartment. No shed. lol.

  37. Mostly garage sale stuff. Like a dolls head knitted into a dream weaver that I bought at the local senior center. I don't have the heart to throw it out because it was hand made and I hate to take stuff to the donation center because after standing in line they tell you that they are not taking clothing today or whatever. Today they gave me books back and told me that they are not taking books.

  38. I don't have a shed but our porch has tons of things that keep lurking on there that I had no idea was there. Thank you


  39. lawn mower and some old cement and roofing tiles

  40. I have a family of bunnies living UNDER my shed, but I couldn't tell you what is inside of it!

  41. I don't have a shed but I have a closet that has God only knows what's lurking in it.Lol! Thank you :)


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