Madly in Love

Often you'll find any or all of the inhabitants of The Little Pink House singing to themselves.

We may be singing along with the radio or be talking and a phrase that reminded us of a 80s hair band song prompts us into singing or just happy.  I never said we were normal.

In any case, it isn't unusual for one of us to burst into song.  It's like living in a real life musical all the time.

It's not often that Engineer or myself break into singing outside of our home; however, Diva doesn't seemed fazed by location.

A couple of weeks ago, Diva and Neighbor Boy #2 were sitting in the back seat of my car after I had picked them up from school.  That "Fireflies" song came on the radio and Diva could not resist, she just had the music in her.  She had to sing.

All of the sudden, not only is Diva singing her heart out, Neighbor Boy #2 is as well.  It was as magical a moment as the lyrics to that song.

I couldn't help joining in the singing.

I am madly in love with my little Diva who is so uninhibited.  It's infectious.

1-4-3 DM!
