Perfectly Practical #134 - 10 More Kitchen Must Haves

After last week's Top 10 Kitchen Gadget Must Haves and the comments that were left, got me thinking a bit more about what else I really need in my kitchen.  I had totally forgotten about my can opener (we use a handheld rather than an electric one) on that gadget list as well as a timer.

In our house, I can tell you that although my cherry pitter comes in handy once or twice a year, it's not one of my favorite gadgets...well, at the time I am using it, it probably is my favorite gadget, but in general, it takes up space in a drawer.

Every cooking class I go to, I ask the chef what their favorite can't-live-without kitchen gadgets/utensils/items are.  Answers range from a certain kind of garlic press to a specific rolling pin.  In other words, I have never gotten the same answer twice.

Actually, I take that back.  Every chef says a good knife but after that, the lists are wide and varied.

Here are 10 more of my favorite kitchen items:

Good Knives - I'm with the chefs on this one; a good knife makes a lot of difference in prep time.  I use my chef's knife and my paring knife most often.

Cast Iron - Specifically a skillet and Dutch oven.  I have waxed lyrical so many times about cast iron cookware that I have nothing left to say other than it is awesome and no kitchen should ever be without it.  Ever.  Ever ever.  Ever.

Colander - It's not just for straining pasta or draining veggies, I use this lined with coffee filters to strain yogurt.  It is a very useful low-tech piece of equipment.

Metal Tongs - I didn't have any for the longest time and now I can't live without them.  I can easily flip steaks without piercing them, pick up spaghetti, or use them to serve salad.  Love these!

Sturdy Metal Ice Cream Scoop(s) - I have these in graduated sizes.  I use them not only for melon balling or ice cream scooping but also to fill cupcake or muffin tins as well as doling out the perfect size dollop of cookie dough.

Salad Spinner - I could live without this and did for the longest time, but I tell you what, it is a godsend when you are washing lettuces from your CSA or garden.  It not only spins the water out, it helps get the last bit of grit and critters off of your greens as well.

Huge Bowl - Plastic, metal, whatever, but a really big bowl is so useful for both preparing and serving food.

Pastry Brush - Fabulous for brushing anything from an egg wash on biscuits to a glaze on cakes to a marinade on meat.  I am partial to one from Pampered Chef because it can withstand high temperatures and is dishwasher safe.

Grater - I have a knuckle-buster which is great, but I really like my all in one small grater which has a microplane size and where the bottom is a mezza luna.

Stock Pot - This is used to steam stuff, boil stuff, and even to water bath my canning.  No kitchen is complete without an all-purpose stock pot.

Anyone have more to add?

This is part of Works for Me Wednesday.


  1. Great list. Know what I love? My silicone spatula. Great for scraping every last bit out of a bowl or pan.

    1. Oooh absolutely! Again, I love the one I bought from Pampered Chef many moons ago.

  2. Your list is spot on. I must have my iron skillet! I found your blog through Texas bloggers and I'm so glad I did. I live right on the state line out of Vivian, LA so we are close indeed. You have a delightful blog and I would love for you to come by and share at my party Totally Transformed Tuesday. Share anything you have transformed: crafts, recipes, furniture, rooms, etc. Hope to see you there. Hugs Peggy~PJH Designs

  3. Definitely on the stock pot. Best cast off I ever got in my life! thanks grandma!

    Also...crockpot! and coffeepot, but that's a given. ;)


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