Madly In Love

The other day I was in the the carpool lane waiting to pick up Diva from school.  I saw her bound out of the school and she was beaming from ear to ear.

When it was her turn, she jumped in the car and immediately rattled off everything wonderful about the day:  good grades, ran faster than the boys at P.E., new book from the library, etc.  The list was quite extensive and she was giddy with excitement. 

Once she had exhausted herself of all of the fabulousness the day held she asked if we could change from the Oldies station and put on the Christian station instead.  I said sure but asked her why.  She quickly came back with, "I'm just so happy I need to sing praise."

My heart swelled. 

That what this Momma hopes for her little girl always:  that she is thankful for a great day, relishes a great day, and knows from whence a great day comes. 

1-4-3 DM!

This is part of GratiTuesday.


  1. Beautiful! What a wonderful thing, when your life is so overflowing with joy that you just have an overwhelming desire to sing praise. You must be a great example to her. :)

    1. Actually Ms. Dottie, she is a great example to me. :)


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