Finding the Ideal Balance
Our dog Truffles is past her prime (sshhh...don't tell her I said that) and as such she has all the tell tale signs of aging - arthritis, kidney stone formation, first signs of cataracts, and a fondness for life's comforts like laying around all day in a Snuggie.
Truffles was our first baby. When I was pregnant with Diva, Engineer insisted that we get a dog because he never wanted Diva to know life without a dog. That dog was Truffity Puff Dog and she and I formed a great bond. While she was just a pup, I would stand in the kitchen attempting to cook and she would lay across my feet. Or if I laid down she would lay on my belly and even now, she sleeps next to me at night with her head on my pillow and her body under the covers. She is part of our family and we want the best for her.
Truff has never been a particularly active terrier, she's a lover, not a fighter, but she has always been a good eater - sometimes too good of an eater - until lately.
Her vet has her on a certain type of food but she doesn't like it. She won't eat it and that's a problem for me seeing as I firmly believe all living creatures within the walls of the Little Pink House need to eat.
When I was asked to join this BzzCampaign, I was excited to try the Hill's Science Diet Ideal Balance cat food. Yes, I said cat food, not dog food. Apparently when I made the order though, I must have clicked the dog food option instead and that's what was delivered. Turns out that was a great mistake.
I've been mixing the Science Diet in with her specialty food and now she will eat what's in her bowl willingly. Hallelujah!
Truffles has also been peppier since we started this trial. I'm going to put that down to the nutritional content of the food. Science Diet's Ideal Balance Grain Free is just that, grain free so the first ingredient is chicken. Can you say that about your dog's food? Like I said before, she is part of our family and I am trying to move away from feeding processed foods to my family.
We are all very happy with this food...except for maybe the squirrels. With all this rekindled peppiness Truffles seems to have found her inner warrior when it comes to the squirrels.
This post was written for BzzAgent. I received free products to try and to review. All views and opinions written are my own.
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