What's Cooking?

I attended my first ever cookie exchange on Monday evening and took peppermint meringues as my offering.  I made the recipe as is and mixed in some crushed peppermint candies (my new go-to ingredient) right before piping them onto the parchment paper.

What a brilliant idea a cookie exchange is!  You make one kind of cookie to share and come home with tons of different cookies to try.  It's a genius plan.

Other than that, I haven't done any holiday baking.  Kind of sad really.

I need to do some sort of holiday baking or the universe will be off-kilter n' stuff.

Remember my massive bake-a-thon that I did right before school started?  Well, all of those baked goods have finally been consumed.  They lasted a whole semester!  So really, maybe I shouldn't worry about the holiday baking as much as the restocking my freezer with breakfast foods.  :)

This is part of Miz Helen's Full Plate Thursday.


  1. Two things: 1. I need to make peppermint meringues ASAP. 2. I need to restock my freezer. I think I'll make the meringues first!

  2. I totally agree Ms. Kristin, make the meringues first. ;)

  3. Hi Pary,
    I just love meringues, I could eat the whole plate full. Your recipe looks awesome! Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday. I am wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!
    Come Back Soon,
    Miz Helen


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