Dishing It Up Recipe Hop - Main Dishes

I am thrilled to present to you the Dishing it Up recipe hop along with this fine group of ladies:  Thrifty Texas Penny, Mama's Money Tree, Deals From Ms. Do, Saving Myself Silly, Dearly Domestic, 20 Something Saver, The Happy Lil' Homemaker, Saving By Design, and Eating With MiMi.

This week we are linking up main dishes. I have a couple of "go to" main courses but by far the easiest, most frugal, and tastiest is Stir Fry.

Quick & Easy - Throw everything in a wok and heat it through
Frugal - Perfect for using up leftover meat, veggies, and/or rice
Tasty - Soy sauce is one one of those things like bacon, cheese, or cream, it makes everything taste better  :)
