Bil-Jac Dog Food - A Review

Our English friends have asked us to ship them some pretty strange things over the years. Things that they can't get in the UK like chipotle pepper flavored hot sauce or reasonably priced blue jeans. But one of the most interesting items was Bil-Jac dog treats.
For whatever reason, while on a visit to the States, some English friends decided to take back some Bil-Jac treats for their dogs. As it turned out, the dogs went nuts over them and every time we came home for a visit, on our list of "bring backs" was Bil-Jac treats.
That sounds like an easy task but if you are a dog owner and you have tried these treats for your dog, you know that nothing else compares to their joy with these treats...well, maybe catching a squirrel might compare....
I found that pet stores couldn't keep them on the shelves. Between using them as the official treat for their training classes and the fact that once a dog has had them, there is no turning back, the stores were perpetually out of them. One time in particular, I went to 6 different pet stores in 3 cities and still had to special order some. That tells me that the Bil-Jac company is doing something right with that kind of customer loyalty.
That was my experience with Bil-Jac so I was thrilled that BzzAgent asked me to review Bil-Jac dog food. I knew if the food was as good as the treats then my dogs were going to go crazy for it. I was right.
First of all, the food is made of easily digestible fresh foods which are then slow cooked and have no fillers added. And though the price is more than most other foods, you feed your dog less of it since it is so packed with nutrition thus making the cost average per serving. The coolest testament to how high the quality is that it needs no transition time between your regular dog food and the Bil-Jac brand. No tummy aches for your precious pooch.
Truffles is our gluttonous dog but I had never seen her so excited about food to the point where she licked the residual food dust off of the floor like she did with this food. Even in Trevor's final days with us, it was so hard for him to eat and he wouldn't eat his regular food at all but he would eat a pellet or two of Bil-Jac food for us. That must be some mighty tasty food.
You can find Bil-Jac dog food in specialty pet stores like PetSmart & PETCO. To find the nearest location to you use their store locator.
As a side note, I always like family owned and operated companies who still manufacture their products in America and Bil-Jac is and does just that.
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