Madly in Love Monday

I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord - Psalm 122:1

Friday morning after walking all of the kiddos to school, Super Mom and I stayed on campus to be a part of chapel.  Neighbor Boy #1 and Diva both tried out and made the Honor/Chapel Choir at school and on Friday the choir was performing a new song that the kids were really excited about. 

I saw Wastutesy (their musical director) before the service started and she had said how much the kids were looking forward to singing this song.  As the service began, their excitement was evident.

The music started and the kids started swaying and clapping with the beat.  I hear some of you saying big deal.  Well as this is an Episcopalian school, clapping and swaying to a song is not a normal occurrence.

These kids opened their mouths and made a joyful (and sweet) noise.  There were no inhibitions before their Maker - or their mothers.  :) 

It blessed my soul to see the group of them praising and worshipping and having a wonderful time.  Diva in particular was boogieing down.  I could not have been more proud of her; but seriously I thought she was going to start moonwalking any second.

I am madly in love this Monday with our little Diva who is using her God-given talents to enhance worship.

1-4-3 DM!


  1. How much fun it that?!? Our girls love to sing and were always in chorus at school. I'm glad that our new church has a small youth choir!

  2. Howdy Ms. Kristin! Our church has just started a youth choir as well. Isn't it precious to listen to the little ones singing? Thanks for stopping by!


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