Madly in Love Monday

I am madly in love this Monday with my Engineer because he has finished school! 

He has been in school the majority of the time that we have been married.  I am ready for him to stop commandeering my dining room table for his schoolwork AND having to work around his school schedule AND having to give up time together so he can do his homework or projects.  But it's not about me, it's about my fantastically intelligent husband whom I adore.

I am so proud of him I could burst.  He persevered all that time, having late nights, missing out on fun stuff, juggling family, work, and school for years and now, he can breathe.

He can fiddle with his roses and watch his birds.  He doesn't have to weigh the option of doing something with how much it would encroach on his school time.  He doesn't have to lock himself away to study.  He can go back to being an amazing husband and wonderful father.  He can go back to being Engineer.

Thank you Lord we have all made it through...a Physics & Math major, a wedding, a break from school (to support a new wife), an international move, a baby, a switched major to Civil Engineering at a foreign university, another international move, and another break (to get settled back into this country), starting and finishing school again...with a 4.0 and a Master's Degree.  Hallelujah!

1-4-3 EM...but so help me if you start entertaining the idea of going back for an MBA!!!

This is part of Heavenly Homemakers GratiTuesday.


  1. Congrats Engineer! We know the feeling-it took my husband 6 long years to get his masters although with not quite as good grades as yours. :-) I hope you were able to celebrate this weekend.


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