Perfectly Practical #59 - Cut Flower Tips

For Mother's Day, Diva surprised me with a beautiful bouquet of flowers.  They still look very nice and that is somewhat down to the treatment of the flowers. 

As soon as I get flowers, I trim the stems at an angle; this helps them absorb water easier.

Next, pull off any leaves or buds that will be below the water line in your vase.  If you leave them, they will rot, turn into a gelatinous goo, and smell rank.

Put a splash of bleach, or 7UP, or half of an aspirin in the water-filled vase and give it a stir before putting in and arranging the flowers.  I can't give you a reason for this other than it works.

If you have lilies (one of my favorites) pull off the bright orange powdery stamen.  First of all, I'm pretty sure they are poisonous, but even if they are not, that pollen will stain everything and it will never never never come out.  Ever.  Then go wash your hands.

As the flowers start to wilt, pull them out of the bouquet.  Dying flowers emit a fume that causes the flowers around them to wilt quicker.

If the flowers still look good but the water is cloudy, take the flowers out and repeat all the first steps.

Place in a prominent spot and then stop, smell them, and think of the lovely person who gave them to you every time you get the chance

This will be shared at We Are That Family's Works for Me Wednesday.
