Wonderful Wednesday #17 - Vacation Bible School

It's hot outside and there's the smell of Kool-Aid in the air, that can only mean one thing here in the South - Vacation Bible School. 
When we first moved back, school had just ended and it was my mission in life at the time to make sure Diva made some new American friends.  VBS was the answer.  She went to quite a few and did make lots of friends; friends that she may only see during the summer at a particular VBS but nevertheless, friends.  Since that first summer, she has really looked forward to going to the different Vacation Bible Schools.  If you have ever wondered what the pros vs. cons of VBS may be I have a few suggestions off of the top of my head:

Pros:  Child makes new friends or sees old ones, Child learns about God, Child can't say "I don't have anything to do", Child experiences Southern tradition being a part of VBS, Mom gets a couple of hours to shop, run errands, or do housework in peace
Cons:  House gets full of crafts, child has to scrub Kool-Aid mustache off before going anywhere after VBS

As you can see, the pros outweigh the cons.  I feel very blessed to live in the Bible belt for many reasons but a very big reason is so that my little Diva can share in the summer childhood rite of passage that is VBS.
