Wonderful Wednesday #16 - The Pet Place

Yesterday I mentioned one of the places we take some of the stuff that we get for FREE well today I would like to let you in on another of our favorite places to be charitable - The Pet Place.

In fact, Diva and I were there yesterday; we sat and talked with the director Ms. Kay, the whole time we were playing with all the kittens and puppies.  The Moppins household is a household of animal lovers so it is a special treat for us to go and play with all of the animals (we get all of the cuddles with none of the poop.)  :)  I have been to lots of Humane Societies before and I can honestly say that this is the cleanest and least smelly one I have ever visited.  You can tell how much the volunteers care for the animals. What a joy to be able to bless this wonderful charity out of our abundance.  Let me tell you a little about them.  This is from their website:
Organized as a federally tax-exempt non-profit group in 1967, the HSHC has the mission of prevention of cruelty to animals, relief of suffering among animals, prevention of pet overpopulation, aid of animal abuse investigation, and public education in the humane care and treatment of animals.

The Society is housed at 1901 Jefferson Ave., Marshall, Texas at “The Pet Place,” a new facility housing abandoned and homeless cats and dogs. Adoption of these pets is a key goal of the Society. Private and government grants are sought to fund pet spay/neuter for financially disadvantaged families. Public school tours and presentations, combined with newspaper and radio promotion, are key elements to a broad education strategy for good pet care.
Three years ago, the Pet Place opened its doors.  Through volunteers and charitable donations, those doors remain open.  Donations such as cat/kitten or dog/puppy food , litter, crates, pet toys, newspapers, aluminum cans for recycling, cleaning supplies, antibacterial hand sanitizer are greatly appreciated.  Volunteers are needed to do everything from answer phones to walking dogs.  I asked Ms. Kay if there was anything in particular that I should mention and she said that June is "Adopt a Cat Month" (and boy do they have some cuties up there right now) and that the prices for adoption are as follows:  $65 for a cat and $95 for a dog.  Within that cost is prescreening for heartworms, spay/neuter, all shots, and worming - it's a bargain!  Also, she wanted me to mention that they have grant money available for low income families to have their pets neutered at no cost to them.  If you would like to have your animal neutered, please contact Ms. Kay at info@hshcpaws.org.  If you would like any other information on The Pet Place, please look at their website http://www.hshcpaws.org/.   
