Menu Plan 4/26

Here is our menu plan for the week.  We have international guests next week that we are preparing for, dance recital practices, piano group lessons, and my little choir has a big performance this week.  I think April needs to officially Quick & Easy Food Month.
Monday - Spaghetti Pie & Salad
Tuesday - Fajitas w/all the trimmings & mango salsa
Wednesday - Leftovers
Thursday - Banquet at Boys & Girls Club
Friday - Sandwich Bar (we'll just lay out the fixings and let everybody have what they want)
Just in case anyone was wondering how the blueberry sourdough pancakes turned out, Engineer says that I never need to try another pancake recipe again as this one cannot be topped.  He said that they were restaurant quality.  Woo-hoo!  That's my first victory with the sourdough starter.  I was keeping it in the fridge and was finding that it wasn't all that sour and didn't seem all that bubbly.  My Maw-maw always had hers on the countertop so as of this morning, that's where mine is too.  Already I can tell a difference in the consistency.  It's happily bubbling away and growing...hmmmm....I wonder if I need a bigger jar?...I would love any suggestions, recipes, or tips regarding starter or sourdough in general.
Thanks Organizing Junkie for organizing Menu Plan Monday!
