We Love the Library!!!!!!!

While living in England, Diva Moppins and I made it our Monday tradition to go to the library, have tea at Marks & Spencer's, then go to piano lessons. We both very much looked forward to our library Mondays - her for the library and me for the tea. Our local library had author signings, children's story time, music and movement classes for babies, book talks, and numerous other programs and DM dearly loved the library and the librarians.

Since being in East Texas we hadn't really gotten into a groove with the library. Oh an occasional visit here or a quick pop in to see a children's summer program there but nothing regular...until now. Much to DM's delight, we have designated Thursdays as our official library hang out day. DM is a voracious reader and has been ever since she began reading. She has torn through our home library and has only had her reading efforts thwarted when she has attempted to read a book that was well beyond her maturity level (not ready for Daphne du Maurier yet my darling.)

Today was a bonus for both of us. She checked out lots of books and as we were walking out there were shelves of books for sale to raise money for the Friends of the Library...oooh $.50 books....I couldn't resist! So Engineer Moppins and I have some new non-fiction and I even found a book for a dear friend that she will love.

All of this to say that if you are around town the next few days, stop by your local library and check to see what books you might be interested in are for sale.
